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MaryLynn Magar
State Board of Education
Ben Gibson
State Board of Education
Ryan Petty
State Board of Education
Esther Byrd
State Board of Education
Grazie Pozo Christie
State Board of Education
Kelly Garcia
State Board of Education
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Dear [Recipient's Name],
Dear Members, I just heard about your upcoming vote on July 19th relating to the protection of children within Florida’s schools. I whole-heartedly support proposed rules 6A-10.081, 6A-10.086, 6A-10.089, and 6A-5.065 and I urge that every one of you support them too. These rules are needed to ensure school districts are following the passed laws from this past legislative cycle. Thank you for standing with me in the protection of children and the rights of parents.
Keep me updated on issues from Lydia Oyetunji
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