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Debbie Mayfield
State House
Ben Albritton
State Senate
Erin Grall
State Senate
Colleen Burton
State Senate
Jay Trumbull
State Senate
Clay Yarborough
State Senate
Tom Wright
State Senate
Corey Simon
State Senate
Alexis Maria Calatayud
State Senate
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Dear [Recipient's Name],
Dear Senators, I urge you to support HB 1/SB 1788 and HB 3/SB 1792 with the current language. I care about the children of our state, and these two bills will protect them from harm. HB 1 is needed for two reasons from an education standpoint. We have seen in schools fights that have been organized through social media and massive amounts of bullying. Also, according to Gallup, the average time spent on social media climbs from FOUR+ hours per day for 13-year-olds to as high as SIX hours per day for 17-year-olds. HB 3 is needed because currently, any child can gain access to obscene materials online with little restriction, even though the law is clear that a child must be 18 years of age to view this material. You have taken many steps in the past few years to ensure the protection of children, and this is the next step in this process. Thank you,
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