Time to stand up and protect Florida’s children.

Supporters: 168

Posted on: 08 Nov 2022

Please complete this Action Alert to Governor DeSantis, First Lady DeSantis and Department of Education (then share the link with your Friends).

Making new policy that could allow shocking sexually explicit material in Florida Public schools is what the Department of Education is about to finalize. WHY??

We have clearly defined laws in the Florida statutes now (847.001 and 847.012)! Why are these not adequate enough-- better yet, BEING FOLLOWED?

Here’s the proof of the sexualization by School District ( 2021 Porn in Schools Report)

Billionaires and liberal Non-Profits are pouring money and putting pressure on legislators.

Publishers are pushing sexualization onto the schools in every subject matter. Leftists’ are pouring these abusive materials into school districts as donations.

Parents and Grand Parents have had enough ...NO MORE!!

It is time to make History. It is our time to shine and take back our schools, children, and LITERATURE!

The FL DOE Media Department has convened a committee that is proposing new policy to the Commissioner, Many Diaz. They will decide going forward what the procedures and media center training for books in the schools will be

They failed before and cannot be trusted. The fox is no longer going to guard the hen house.

We MUST let the State of Florida leadership know what the Citizens want and demand! 

At the bottom of this email find an arrow, clicking it will take you to a petition making it very simple with one click for you to send separate letters to Governor Ron DeSantis – First Lady Casey DeSantis – Many Diaz, Education Commissioner – Media Amber Baumbach.

Thank you! One Step Closer to Freedom for the Children. 

Educate Not Indoctrinate!!

Sign the Petition and then share it with all your like minded network.