Protect the Hope Scholarship for Florida Students!

Supporters: 71

Posted on: 15 Jan 2024

Dear Patriot, this can’t be happening right now in the great state of Florida!

The bill (HB 1403) that would eliminate the Hope Scholarship has passed its first committee and has been scheduled for its second to last committee this Wednesday, January 17th. 

What some state legislators are doing to harm children trapped in failing schools is downright irresponsible. 

Last year alone, the Hope Scholarship helped over 500 children get out of unsafe learning environments and gain access to a different school that better suits them. 

Take action now and send this petition to State Rep. Tomkow and the PreK-12 Appropriations Committee. Let them know you support the Hope Scholarship and want to keep it. 

Patriot, we aren’t blind. We see what’s going on in our government-run schools on a constant basis.

Our kids have been bullied, threatened, and harassed. And it’s just not students. It’s also teachers intimidating our future generation with indoctrination and forcing them to compromise their moral values.

The scholarship is a victim's bill that provides students the ability to attend a private school of their choice. 

But some in the state legislature want to toss it in the dustbin of history and leave vulnerable students open to ongoing harassment from other students or school officials without providing a lifeline.

We can’t allow the state legislature to eliminate this powerful tool that is saving the lives of children across the Sunshine State.  

Help protect the hope for Florida’s students. Send this petition to the state legislature now and help protect the Hope Scholarship.