CALL TO ACTION: Urge the Senate Rules Committee to Empower Teachers over Unions

Supporters: 183

Posted on: 05 Apr 2021

Bill CS/SB 78 (committee substitute) makes it more difficult for unions to compel membership by employees by requiring employees to opt-in to union membership by signing a form including an important disclosure, and then requiring employers to verify each employee’s intent to join before commencing deduction of union dues from that employee’s paycheck. This would, of course, apply to teachers unions. It is important for teachers and all employees to understand they have a choice and need not join a union to have a voice. Unions often put their own political agendas over and above the best interests of their members. This gives employees more freedom and opportunity to determine if their values align with the union and make an informed decision regarding membership. Use the petition at right to urge members of the Senate Rules Committee to suppport this important bill.